Show content below tabs

You can show content below all tab sets or below one tab set.

Below all tab sets

To show content below all tab sets:

  1. From the main menu in the Tabs Studio app, click Settings.

  2. Click Surrounding content.

  3. In the Below all tabs section, enter the content to show below the tabs.

  4. Click Save.

It may take a few minutes for the changes to show in your shop.

Below one tab set

To show content below one tab set:

  1. From the main menu in the Tabs Studio app, click Settings.

  2. Click Surrounding content.

  3. In the Below one set of tabs section, check Use a heading to define where the tabs end.

  4. Under Heading level, select a heading level.

    The last heading of this level defines where the tabs end.

    For example, if you select Heading 6, the last <h6> (Heading 6) element in the content ends the tabs.

    All content below the heading shows below the tabs.

  5. Optional

    Check Show the heading to show the heading text.

  6. Click Save.

  7. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  8. Click the name of the product that you want to edit.

  9. In the rich text editor, highlight the text that you want to format as a heading.

  10. Click Formatting.

  11. Select the heading level that matches the Heading level setting from step 4.

  12. Click Save.

It may take a few minutes for the changes to show in your shop.

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