A tab set

A tab set is a collection of one or more tabs.

In the horizontal layout, only one tab in a tab set can be open at a time.

In the vertical layout, the Allow multiple tabs to be open at the same time setting determines whether or not multiple tabs in a tab set can be open at a time.

A tab set in the horizontal layout with five tabs and the 'Description' tab open
A tab set with five tabs in the horizontal layout, and the 'Description' tab open

Each tab in a tab set is made up of these two parts:

  • Title — The text that opens the tab when clicked.

  • Content — The content that shows when the tab is open.

Tab order

A tab set has one, two, or all three of these sections:

  • The default tab — The default tab contains the entire product description unless the description is divided into additional tabs using headings.

  • Tabs created from headings — Tabs created from headings show after the default tab. The order of the tabs is the same as the order of the headings in the content.

  • ProTabs — ProTabs show after tabs created from headings. The order of the ProTabs is the same as the order of the ProTabs list.

Learn how to change the position of a ProTab

A tab set with all three sections: 1) the description tab, 2)
            tabs created from headings, and 3) ProTabs
A tab set with all three sections: 1) the default tab, 2) tabs created from headings, and 3) ProTabs

The order of the sections can not be changed

You can't change the order of the sections in a tab set, but you can change the order of the tabs within each section.

ProTabs can be individually placed anywhere in a tab set.

Learn how to change the position of a ProTab

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